
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Potty Training

Cole my 2 year old son has been showing some signs of being ready to start the potty training process.  Cole being my 3rd child I realize that this can be a very lengthy process. 

Some people claim to have the perfect system to have your child potty trained within a matter of days.  I for one think this is belloni.  From what I've read and heard of these systems it is more the parent that has been trained to take the child to the restroom at prescribed times.  Although this may be effective on some levels it is simply not going to work all the time.  Image a long commute to Grandma's house or some other destination.  There simply isn't always a way to make sure there's an available restroom.  I have learned it takes time, paitence, and motivation on the part of your child to be successful in potty training. 

Here are a few of my thoughts, insights, and tips on Potty Training your child.
  • Older children are easier to potty train, since they are able to communicate thier need, also their bodies have become more developed and are able to hold it longer.
  • Children that stay dry through the night are better canidates for potty training.
  • Don't push your child.  Incourage your child but don't get upset if they have an acident (even if it is on your freshly cleaned floor)
  • Avoid soiled clothes, furniture, and floors by using one of the many products on the market disigned for potty taining. Such as pull-ups (off brands work great too), training underwear (these will have leaks and are less than convenient if your child goes #2), or you can continue to use diapers (you get more for your money).
  • You can start potty training at any age, but expect it to take time no matter what age your child is.
  • Use a potty training seat.  Different children prefer different potty training toilets.  There is a variety to choose from these include seats that hook onto a regular sized toilet, and stools that you have to clean.  Some children prefer to use the big toilet like everyone else.
  • Take your child to the restroom with you.  For some this may be odd at first but children learn from example.  If they see you do it they are more likely to want follow suit. 
  • Never forget to make a big deal out of it. They become more encouraged and excited about the transition that way.  You can even praise yourself for going when your child is with you, it helps your child to realize it is a good thing, and want to do the same.
  • It's ok to train your boys to sit down.  This helps prevent a wet floor and seat, also eliminates something else they have to remember (lifting the seat can be hard for boys of all ages).
The list can go on and on but really all you need is to listen to your child and encourage him/her.

As I said we are now working on potty training Cole.  He turned 2 the end of July so is still on the young side of potty training.  My oldest son didn't show much interest in potty training until he was months away from 3 but once he started it was a very smooth and easy progression.  My daughter was over 3 when she was completely potty trained.  She showed some interest but it wasn't until after the baby was born that she decided to use the toilet all the time. 

With all of my children they showed an interest in using the toilet before they ever actually did.  That has meant lots of trips to the toilet without any result, but I've just considered it a step in the right direction.  Today was the first day Cole successfully used the toilet.  I expect it to be a long road to completion but I'm excited that he is ready to start this journey. 

Here's a picture of my little big boy.


  1. Lots of good information. I enjoyed reading your blog. Loved the picture of couse.

  2. My son is 3 and still not completely potty trained. He'll go at times but most of the time if I ask if he wants to go he says "I don't want to." lol. So he knows how, but doesn't seem that interested in doing it, no matter what I try. I'll be sure to try some of your tips. Thanks! And cute picture by the way. :)
