
Monday, September 17, 2012

"Man Cave' Sign

So today I made a sign for Jeremy to hang outside his "Man Cave". I haven't given it to him so I'm very excited for him to see it when he gets home. I'm sure he's gonna love it. I'll show you the finished product then how I made it.

I used an old weathered board, various empty beer cans, twine, paint and stapes.
I started by writing what I wanted to say in pencil, then used Acrylic paints and painted the words.
Then I traced the words with a flat brush to highlight each letter for better visibility.
Once I was done I coated with a clear spray paint to protect against weathering.
I then stapled twine on the bottom edge of my board.
I also stapled a piece of twine on the back at the top for hanging.
After this I tied a can to the end of each string.
Presto. Fun and Easy sign. Just use soda cans and change the words for non-drinkers.


  1. Haha, nice. What did he say when you gave it to him?

  2. He loved it! Instantly got a spot in the garage which is his "Man Cave" lol said he is going to put it outside when the weather turns warmer again.
